How to annoy Alexa?

Want to find out how to annoy Alexa? Well, let's understand, it's possible to do this with Amazon's virtual assistant, a device that has been changing the way we interact with technology at home. With simple voice commands, it can play music, tell jokes, or even control other smart electronics.

As you know, using voice commands, she is capable of performing different functions; but did you know that, sometimes, it is possible to have very fun and even unusual interactions with Alexa? It's a fun way to pass the time and take advantage of your assistant's skills.

Here you will see how a simple “Alexa, repeat what I say” can irritate the assistant and turn into a guaranteed laugh!

Quick answer

To create fun moments with Alexa, try asking her to repeat what you say, tell jokes or even answer unusual questions like "Alexa, do you love me?". Use commands to make her imitate familiar sounds or characters, or ask about fun facts and cultural references. Interact in different ways and discover the funny responses and witty personality of your Amazon virtual assistant.

What You Need to Know About Annoying Alexa

How to annoy Alexa? - Source: Reproduction
How to annoy Alexa? – Source: Reproduction

First of all, it's good to remember that Amazon's virtual assistant doesn't have emotions like us. However, she was programmed to understand human language and respond intelligently

This means that some responses may seem “angry” or sarcastic, but in fact, they are just pre-programmed reactions to certain commands. It's interesting to see how the developers gave it a witty twist, to make the interaction more fun and less robotic.

Easy ways to annoy Alexa

If you like a good laugh, how about learning some funny commands to catch Alexa by surprise? Get ready to hear unusual answers, because now you will discover easy ways to irritate Alexa and leave her in a tight spot.

  1. “Alexa, repeat after me” – If you ask for something embarrassing or funny, she will repeat exactly what you said, and this can lead to a good laugh.
  2. “Alexa, tell a joke” – With this command, you enable Alexa to share your sense of humor and, perhaps, tell even the funniest jokes nonsense that she 'knows'.
  3. “Alexa, are you alive?” – The answer to this question may surprise you, as it may give a sarcastic or philosophical answer.
  4. “Alexa, serenade me” – She will try to impress you with her melodious voice, or maybe not so melodious.
  5. “Alexa, meow like a cat” – That's right, she can imitate a cat and make you die laughing with the result.
  6. “Alexa, fart” – This command can be very unexpected and guarantee a few laughs.
  7. “Alexa, let’s discuss our relationship” – Putting Alexa in this situation could result in a response full of irony.
  8. “Alexa, give a shout” – It is curious to hear how Alexa will react to this request.
  9. “Alexa, say a bad word” – Alexa certainly has limits, but how will she respond?
  10. “Alexa, do you love me?” – Perhaps you will receive a declaration of love or even a humorous response.
  11. “Alexa, imitate a zombie” – Can artificial intelligence scare you or will it just be a reason for more laughter?
  12. “Alexa, say 'blablabla'” – An invitation to listen to Alexa in an “endless conversation”.
  13. “Alexa, what is the meaning of life?” – She will leave you thinking with her philosophies or, who knows, with a humorous answer.
  14. “Alexa, recite the alphabet backwards” – You will be impressed by her ability to do curious tasks like this.

Did you see how easy it is to provoke funny situations by asking Alexa things she doesn't hear every day? You will notice that she has some programmed responses that are true pearls of humor.


That's right, Alexa can transform and imitate various characters. Simple commands allow her to imitate familiar people and characters, which can be super funny. 

Let's check out some imitation commands that you can test with your Alexa:

  • Alexa, speak like Silvio Santos” – The famous presenter’s typical way of speaking can bring laughter.
  • Alexa, imitate a dinosaur” – For lovers of prehistory, this could be a moment of fun.
  • Alexa, sing like an opera” – Who knows, perhaps Alexa will reveal a tuned voice full of vibratos?
  • Alexa, imitate Batman” – For superhero fans, the dark knight's deep voice can resonate through your home.
  • Alexa, become an alien” – watch her transform into a creature from another planet with this command.
  • Alexa, imitate a robot” – Ironic, but it’s worth listening to how an artificial intelligence imitates another AI.
  • Alexa, be a pirate” – Arrrrr, get ready to sail the seven seas with pirate Alexa.
  • Alexa, imitate a baby” – Be careful not to melt at the cuteness of “baby” Alexa.
  • Alexa, become a witch” – A touch of magic with an imitation that can be funny or maybe a little scary.

You will be surprised by Alexa's ability to imitate! To ensure some more fun moments, try asking your virtual assistant for these imitations and see how she does. 

Random questions

How to annoy Alexa? - Source: Reproduction
How to annoy Alexa? – Source: Reproduction

Do you know when you have that urge to ask something very unusual? The assistant is prepared to answer a variety of random questions, from the classic to the strangest. 

And don't be surprised if the responses are sarcastic or witty – it's part of her charm.

  • “Alexa, why did the chicken cross the road?” – Ah, this is classic! Let's see if Alexa can be creative in responding.
  • “Alexa, is there life on Mars?” – Do you think she has last-minute information about life on other planets in the solar system?
  • “Alexa, what do you think of Siri?” – The answer could reveal her “relationship” with the company’s famous virtual assistant Apple.
  • “Alexa, how do you say 'I love you' in Klingon?” – For Star Trek fans, does Alexa master intergalactic languages?
  • “Alexa, can you dance?” – Imagine if she could show you some steps!
  • “Alexa, tell me a secret” – Will Alexa share any 'scoop'?
  • “Alexa, what happens if you divide zero by zero?” – Math can be fun, depending on the answer!
  • “Alexa, can you predict the future?” – Is it worth asking for the lottery numbers? It's going to...
  • “Alexa, what is the value of pi?” – Activate Alexa’s mathematical knowledge and check its accuracy.
  • “Alexa, are you friends with Google Assistant?” – Alexa, always very sociable, may have an interesting answer about her AI colleague.

Try asking these questions to annoy Alexa and have fun with her reactions, you will see that artificial intelligence has a well-tuned touch of humor. And who knows, you might end up learning something new and funny? 

Getting to know Alexa

This virtual assistant has much more to offer than simply executing commands. You can ask questions about her 'life' and maybe discover curious things. 

Here are some suggestions:

  • “Alexa, when is your birthday?” – She can tell you about the “day she was activated” for the first time.
  • “Alexa, are you a robot?” – Discover how Alexa defines herself, a virtual assistant full of smarts.
  • “Alexa, what’s your favorite color?” – Curiosity can lead you to a surprising answer, even though you don’t see it.
  • “Alexa, do you have pets?” – Maybe she imagines having a virtual pet there in the world of codes and algorithms.
  • “Alexa, what do you do in your free time?” – You can have a good laugh at the creativity of the programmers in this answer.
  • “Alexa, do you have a family?” – An opportunity for her to tell you about her 'relatives', the other Echo devices.
  • “Alexa, do you sleep?” – It will be interesting to hear what she has to say about standby.
  • “Alexa, what do you like to do?” – Alexa can open up about her favorite 'activities'.
  • “Alexa, what’s your favorite food?” – Of course she doesn’t eat, but who knows what the catch will be this time.
  • “Alexa, where do you live?” – Will Alexa say something witty about her cloud 'residence'?

This is a relaxed way to irritate Alexa and, at the same time, learn more about the personality created for her. You will discover that, despite being a machine, this AI has an answer for almost everything and doesn't miss the chance to add a dash of humor to conversations.

References to annoy Alexa

How to annoy Alexa? - Source: Reproduction
How to annoy Alexa? – Source: Reproduction

Alexa is also aware of cultural references and can understand and respond with humor when you ask about films, series and even famous memes.

These commands with popular references are a cool way to create fun moments or even disturb the AI. 

  • “Alexa, I am your father” – For “Star Wars” fans, it’s a classic command that can trigger a dramatic response.
  • “Alexa, may the Force be with you” – Another one for space saga enthusiasts, which will probably bring an epic response.
  • “Alexa, to infinity and beyond” – See if Alexa gets into Buzz Lightyear’s adventurous spirit with this “Toy Story” quote.
  • “Alexa, winter is coming” – For those who like “Game of Thrones”, this command may imply that Alexa is also preparing for the battles of Westeros.
  • “Alexa, do you know the joke about pavé or to eat?” – A classic uncle joke that Alexa will certainly know.
  • “Alexa, this is the way” – Reference to the famous phrase from “The Mandalorian”, it might be interesting to hear what Alexa has to say.
  • “Alexa, valar morghulis” – One more for “Game of Thrones” fans, does she respond appropriately to this greeting?
  • “Alexa, you shall not pass” – A tribute to “The Lord of the Rings”, where you can activate Gandalf that exists on Alexa.
  • “Alexa, bazinga” – Sheldon’s prank from “The Big Bang Theory” can add a geeky touch to the room.
  • “Alexa, my precious” – Another reference to “The Lord of the Rings” that may show how 'precious' Alexa considers herself.

In addition to a fun interaction, this is a way to see her participate in the world of entertainment that we love so much – and, who knows, a great way to annoy Alexa!


We saw that even without emotions, Amazon's virtual assistant can provide good moments of entertainment, with responses full of humor and personality – whether through unexpected questions, funny commands or imitations.

Now it's up to you, try these tips on how to annoy Alexa. Test your Alexa math knowledge, ask her to meow like a cat, fart or even ask her to count to a million!

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Letícia Pinheiro

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