Basic food basket assistance: what it is, who is entitled to it and how to request it

Do you already know the Basic Basket Aid? It is a federal government program that provides food to families in vulnerable situations, as long as they can prove the need to receive the aid and have a family income of up to three minimum wages.

Created due to the new coronavirus pandemic, the aid can be paid through a food card worth R$200.00 reais, divided into two installments of R$100.00 reais, ensuring that the most vulnerable families have access to basic foods.

The Brazilian's basic food basket is made up of essential items for a healthy diet. If you want to check who is eligible and how to request assistance, read on!

Eligibility and registration

Basic food basket assistance: what it is, who is entitled to it and how to request it - Source: Freepik
Basic food basket assistance: what it is, who is entitled to it and how to request it – Source: Freepik

As you have seen, the aid is intended for families and people who need help to feed themselves and have access to basic foods, guaranteeing their social dignity. 

Single Registration and necessary documentation

The first requirement is to be registered in the Cadastro Único, a registry maintained by the federal government that contains information about low-income families in the country. To register, you must present documents such as proof of residence and proof of income.

It is important to remember that updating data in CadÚnico is essential for families to continue receiving the basic food basket. If the family is not registered, it is necessary to look for the CRAS closest to their residence and register before requesting the benefit.

Income criteria and families in vulnerable situations

The other requirement is to prove family income, which must be up to three minimum wages, in addition to proving the need to receive the benefit. 

It is important to inform that the Basic Basket Aid is not a permanent benefit, it is only granted for a specific period and can be renewed after analyzing the family situation.

How do I request basic food assistance?

Having met all documentation, income and registration requirements in CadÚnico, the next step is to formally request assistance. The process may vary slightly between municipalities and states, but in general, you should:

  • Check whether assistance is available in your municipality or state;
  • Look for the CRAS closest to your residence to check the data in CadÚnico and, if you are not registered, register;
  • Fill out the request form, available on the state or municipal government website;
  • Wait for the request to be analyzed and the responsible management body to contact you.

It is important to inform that some people will not be entitled to aid, such as: those who receive other social benefits, except Bolsa Família, as well as public servants and military personnel.

Distribution and logistics

The Basic Basket Aid, in addition to the possibility of receiving amounts on the card, can also distribute basic food baskets and hygiene kits to families and people in need.

Basic food basket distribution process

The distribution of basic food baskets is carried out through partnerships between the government and social organizations, such as churches, neighborhood associations and non-profit entities, responsible for identifying families in need and distributing the food baskets.

And of course, the basket is focused on the essential basics, such as rice, beans, sugar, oil, powdered milk, among others.

Regions and target audience

The program serves low-income families across the country, focusing on the most vulnerable regions, and the regions most served by the program are the Northeast and North of the country, which historically face problems of hunger and food insecurity.

As you already know, the main people the government seeks to help live in situations of social and economic vulnerability, and are unable to feed themselves adequately. 

It also serves people on the streets and in emergency situations, such as victims of natural disasters.

Related and complementary benefits

Basic food basket assistance: what it is, who is entitled to it and how to request it - Source: Reproduction
Basic food basket assistance: what it is, who is entitled to it and how to request it – Source: Reproduction

There are other complementary programs and benefits that can be accessed together with the Basic Basket, and can be of great help to families in need of assistance.

Financial aid and income transfer programs

Bolsa Família is one of the federal government's main income transfer programs and seeks to help families in situations of poverty and extreme poverty to overcome social and economic vulnerability. 

Another program is Unemployment Insurance, aimed at workers who were dismissed without cause and who meet certain requirements. It is paid for a set period and can help families support themselves financially while they look for a new occupation.

Social assistance services and social security benefits

Social assistance services can also be a great help for families in need of support, and Cadastro Único is one of these services.

Another social benefit you should pay attention to is the Vale Gás Social, aimed at low-income families who use cooking gas as a source of energy to prepare food. 

Finally, there are social security benefits that can also be accessed by families, and the Continuous Payment Benefit (BPC) is one of these. It is aimed at people with disabilities and seniors over 65 years of age who have a family income of up to a quarter of the minimum wage. 


As you have seen, the program is aimed at families in socially vulnerable situations, that is, those who have difficulty eating adequately and need help to do so.

We hope these tips were useful and that you can apply for your benefit with peace of mind and without complications!

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Letícia Pinheiro

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