Bolsa Família – Requirements and How to Apply for the Program

Introduction – Bolsa Família

Bolsa Família is a social income transfer program from the Brazilian government, which aims to help families in situations of poverty. Created to promote social inclusion and combat inequality, the program offers a monthly financial benefit to families that meet the criteria established by the government.

To enroll in the Bolsa Família program, you must be registered with the Cadastro Único, a registry that allows the government to know low-income families in the country. Registration can be done in person at a service center in the city where the family lives.

To register, the person responsible for the family must bring a photo ID, CPF or Voter ID, proof of residence and identification documents for all members of the family. It is important to highlight that families living on a monthly income of up to half the minimum wage per person can register with the Cadastro Único, and thus have access to the program's benefits.

In addition to Bolsa Família, there are other social programs that use the Single Registry, such as the Electricity Social Tariff Program, Fee Exemption in Public Tenders, Youth ID, Elderly Card and Minha Casa Minha Vida Program. Keeping the registry up to date and complying with the program's conditions is essential, such as school attendance for children and adolescents, prenatal care for pregnant women, nutritional monitoring of children and keeping the vaccination book updated.

What is Bolsa Família?

Bolsa Família is a social income transfer program created by the Brazilian government, which seeks to combat poverty and promote social inclusion. It was implemented in 2003 and became one of the main tools for combating inequality in the country.

With the aim of helping families in vulnerable situations, the program offers monthly benefits that vary according to family composition and per capita income. These resources are intended for basic needs, such as food, health and education.

To participate in Bolsa Família, families must be registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government, also known as Cadastro Único. This registration allows the government to know low-income families in the country and offer appropriate benefits.

Main information about Bolsa Família:

ProgramTarget AudienceBenefits
Bolsa FamíliaFamilies in situations of poverty and extreme povertyMonthly income transfer
Social Electricity TariffLow-income familiesDiscount on electricity bill
Exemption from Fees in Public TendersLow-income peopleExemption from registration fees
Young IDLow-income young peopleHalf price for cultural and sporting events
Elderly CardLow-income elderly peopleBenefits on public transport and special vacancies
My home, my lifeLow-income familiesAccess to decent housing

Bolsa Família offers, in addition to the financial benefit, the opportunity for development and improvement of life for the benefiting families. By promoting income transfer, the program contributes to reducing poverty, combating hunger and guaranteeing essential social rights.

Requirements to apply for Bolsa Família

To apply for Bolsa Família, you must meet certain eligibility criteria established by the program. Bolsa Família is aimed at families in poverty, with a monthly income of up to half the minimum wage per person. In addition, it is necessary to be registered in the Cadastro Único, a registry that allows the government to know low-income families in the country.

Registration for Bolsa Família is done in person at a service center in the city where the family lives. The person responsible for the family must attend local and take some documents to prove their eligibility. A document with a photo, such as ID or driver's license, CPF or Voter ID card, proof of residence and identification documents for all family members, such as a birth certificate or identity card, are required.

In addition to Bolsa Família, the Single Registry is also used by other social programs, such as the Electricity Social Tariff Program, which offers discounts on electricity bills for low-income families, the Fee Exemption in Public Tenders, which allows participation free in competitions, and ID Jovem, which grants benefits to low-income young people, such as half-price entry to cultural and sporting events. There are also specific benefits for seniors, such as the Elderly Card, which guarantees free or discounted interstate tickets, and the Minha Casa Minha Vida Program, which offers easier conditions for purchasing your own home.

Documents required to register for Bolsa Família:
Photo ID (ID or driver's license)
CPF or Voter ID
Proof of address
Identification documents for all family members

It is important to highlight that keeping your registration updated and complying with the program's conditions are essential to continue receiving the Bolsa Família benefit. Conditionalities include school attendance for children and adolescents, prenatal care for pregnant women, nutritional support for children and keeping vaccination records up to date.

How to sign up for Bolsa Família

The Bolsa Família registration process involves completing a single registration and providing the necessary documents to prove the information. To register, you must go in person to a Bolsa Família service point in the city where the family lives.

When going to the service center, the person responsible for the family must take some documents with them. It is necessary to present a document with a photo, such as ID or CNH, in addition to the CPF or Voter ID. It is also important to bring proof of residence, which must be in the name of the person responsible for registering for the program.

Another necessary document is the identification of everyone in the family. ID, CPF, Birth Certificate or Marriage Certificate can be presented. If a family member does not have one of these documents, it is possible to register anyway, but you will need to inform the reason for the absence of the document.

After providing all documents, the family will be registered in the Single Registry and will be able to access Bolsa Família benefits. It is important to always keep your registration updated, reporting any changes in family composition or income.

Documents required for registration:
Document with photo (RG or CNH)
CPF or Voter ID
Proof of address
Identification documents for everyone in the family

The Bolsa Família program is an important initiative by the Brazilian government to combat poverty and promote social inclusion. By signing up for the program, low-income families have the opportunity to receive financial assistance that can make a difference in their lives.

Bolsa Família conditions

Bolsa Família has conditions that benefiting families must comply with to continue receiving the benefit. These conditionalities are measures that aim to guarantee the improvement of the quality of life of families and promote human development. Let’s find out what these conditionalities are and how they work.

1. School attendance:

Children and adolescents who are part of families benefiting from Bolsa Família must be enrolled and regularly attend school. The minimum frequency varies according to the age group: children aged 6 to 15 must have a minimum frequency of 85% and adolescents aged 16 to 17 must have a minimum frequency of 75%. It is important that guardians monitor and encourage their children's studies so that they can achieve a better future.

2. Nutritional monitoring:

Nutritional monitoring is essential to ensure the health and adequate development of children. Therefore, families benefiting from Bolsa Família must take their children under 7 years of age to undergo nutritional monitoring and receive guidance on healthy eating. This monitoring can be done at health centers and is an opportunity for families to receive important information about nutrition.

3. Vaccination:

Vaccination is an effective way to prevent diseases and ensure children's health. Therefore, families benefiting from Bolsa Família must keep their children's vaccination records up to date. It is important that guardians follow the vaccination schedule and take children to receive the necessary doses according to their age.

For families to continue receiving the Bolsa Família benefit, it is essential to comply with these conditions. They are important to ensure the development of children and the well-being of the entire family. In addition, it is necessary to keep your registration in the Single Registry updated, reporting any changes in family composition or income. This way, families can count on the support of the program and have the opportunity to build a better future.

School attendanceAttend school with a minimum percentage of 85% (6 to 15 years old) and 75% (16 to 17 years old)
Nutritional monitoringCarry out nutritional monitoring of children under 7 years of age
VaccinationKeep your vaccination record up to date

Benefits of Bolsa Família

Bolsa Família offers several benefits to Brazilian families in poverty, serving as an important income supplement. With the transfer of financial resources, the program contributes to improving living conditions and reducing social inequality in the country. Furthermore, Bolsa Família seeks to guarantee access to basic rights, such as food, health and education.

One of the main advantages of the program is the possibility for families to use the amount received according to their needs. This means that the benefit can be used to purchase food, hygiene products, pay bills or invest in other areas that help the family overcome their situation of social vulnerability.

Bolsa Família also promotes social inclusion, as it requires benefiting families to comply with conditions related to education and health. This means that children and adolescents must regularly attend school and pregnant women must undergo prenatal care. These measures aim to guarantee the integral development of children and health care for pregnant women, contributing to breaking the cycle of poverty.

It is important to highlight that Bolsa Família is not a lifetime benefit. Families must keep their registration updated in the Single Registry and comply with the conditions established by the program to continue receiving the benefit. Furthermore, Bolsa Família is just one of several initiatives by the Brazilian government to combat poverty and social inequality, and it is important that families also seek other opportunities to improve their lives, such as professional qualifications and income generation.

Benefits of Bolsa FamíliaDescription
Income supplementThe program offers a monthly financial amount that helps families meet their basic needs and improve their living conditions.
Social inclusionThe program requires families to comply with conditions related to education and health, aiming to guarantee access to basic rights and the integral development of children.
Focus on basic needsThe Bolsa Família benefit can be used by families to purchase food, hygiene products, pay bills and other essential expenses.

Other social programs of the Single Registry

The Single Registry is used not only by Bolsa Família, but also by other social programs that aim to help Brazilian families in vulnerable situations. In addition to Bolsa Família, there are several other government initiatives that use the Single Registry as a means of identifying and serving these families.

Electricity Social Tariff Program

The Electricity Social Tariff Program offers discounts on the electricity bill for low-income families that are registered in the Single Registry. These discounts may vary according to the family's monthly energy consumption and the income range in which they are located.

Exemption from Fees in Public Tenders

Through the Single Registry, people who are registered in government social programs may be entitled to exemption from fees in public tenders. This measure aims to guarantee access to equal opportunities for people in socially vulnerable situations.

Youth ID, Elderly Card and Minha Casa Minha Vida Program

The Youth ID is a document that allows low-income young people to have access to benefits and discounts at cultural and sporting events, as well as free or discounted interstate travel. The Elderly Card, in turn, guarantees people aged 60 and over access to free or discounted interstate tickets. The Minha Casa Minha Vida Program offers subsidies for purchasing a home or financing properties under special conditions for low-income families registered in the Single Registry.

These are just a few examples of social programs that use the Single Registry as a basis to serve families in vulnerable situations in Brazil. It is important that families are registered and their registration is up to date so that they can have access to these opportunities and benefits.

Single Registry Social Programs
Bolsa Família ProgramIncome transfer to families in poverty
Electricity Social Tariff ProgramDiscounts on electricity bills for low-income families
Exemption from Fees in Public TendersExemption from fees in public tenders for low-income people
Young IDBenefits and discounts for low-income young people at cultural events and trips
Elderly CardAccess to free or discounted interstate tickets for people aged 60 and over
My Home My Life ProgramSubsidies and financing for home ownership for low-income families


Bolsa Família is an essential program to combat poverty and promote social inclusion in Brazil, providing an important financial benefit to families in vulnerable situations. When signing up for the program, it is necessary to be registered with the Cadastro Único, which allows the government to know low-income families in the country. To register, you must go in person to a service center in the city where the family lives. The person responsible for the family must carry a photo ID, CPF or Voter ID card, proof of residence and identification documents for all family members.

Families with a monthly income of up to half the minimum wage per person have the right to register with the Single Registry. It is important to keep the registration updated and comply with the program's conditions, such as school attendance for children and adolescents, prenatal care for pregnant women, nutritional monitoring of children and keeping the vaccination book updated.

In addition to Bolsa Família, there are other social programs that use the Single Registry, such as the Social Electricity Tariff Program, Fee Exemption in Public Tenders, ID Jovem, the Elderly Card and the Minha Casa Minha Vida Program. These programs aim to help low-income Brazilian families have access to essential services and improve their living conditions.

In summary, Bolsa Família is an important tool to promote social equality and reduce inequalities in the country. By providing a financial benefit to families in vulnerable situations, the program contributes to improving the quality of life of these families and boosting the socioeconomic development of Brazil as a whole.


Q: What are the requirements to apply for Bolsa Família?

A: To enroll in Bolsa Família, you must be registered with the Cadastro Único and have a monthly income of up to half the minimum wage per person in the family.

Q: Where can I register for Bolsa Família?

A: Registration for Bolsa Família must be done in person at a service center in the city where the family lives.

Q: What documents are needed to apply for Bolsa Família?

A: To register for Bolsa Família, you must bring a photo ID, CPF or Voter ID, proof of residence and identification documents for everyone in the family.

Q: What are the conditions of Bolsa Família?

A: Bolsa Família conditions include school attendance for children and adolescents, prenatal care for pregnant women, nutritional monitoring of children and keeping the vaccination record up to date.

Q: What are the benefits of Bolsa Família?

A: Bolsa Família helps Brazilian families by providing additional income that can make a difference in their lives, helping to combat poverty and promote social inclusion.

Q: In addition to Bolsa Família, what other social programs use the Cadastro Único?

A: In addition to Bolsa Família, the Single Registry is also used by programs such as the Electricity Social Tariff Program, Fee Exemption in Public Tenders, Youth ID, Elderly Card and Minha Casa Minha Vida Program.

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Letícia Pinheiro

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